Friday, August 21, 2009

Sharpen your pencils

We went to the movies last night to see District 9. I'm surprised that it's been out for a week and it's only in one theatre. Guess that it's got to do with the unknown cast and relatively new director Neill Blomkamp. I suppose it has been more accepted by the mainstream audience as Peter Jackson has thrown his weight behind it. What a fantastic movie, considering the unknown cast. Quite an action/sci-fi story delving into all sorts of subject ranging from greed and betrayal to survival and humanity. Well worth the price of admission.

The highlight of going to the movies for me, or course is watching all the trailers before the main feature. There was one shown that I hadn't seen before. Cirque du Freak: The Vampire's Assistant is set for release on Oct. 23/09 and looks like a hoot. It stars John C. Reilly and is based on Darren Shan's book first published in 2000. The entire length of the trailer, I was thinking to myself...this something hilarious, yet bizarre, that Catherine J. Gardner or Carrie Harris would write...

So it would seem that Hollywood is knocking at the door, looking for that strange and wonderful mix of horror and comedy everybody sharpen your pencils and get to work. Attached below is the link to the official website and trailer for this movie.


Laura Eno said...

I'll have to read up on this movie...I've heard both love and hate reactions from people.

Anonymous said...

I read the first Cirque Du Freak book, out of curiosity, earlier this year and was reasonably impressed. Irish writer, natch. Darren O'Shaughnessy is his real name.

Favourite horror/comedy mixes, anyone? For me Return of the Living Dead is a film I can watch again and again.

Rebecca Nazar said...

I love Army of Darkness and Sean of the Dead.

Cate Gardner said...

I loved the first Cirque du Freak book - short-odd-fun. I keep meaning to pick up the other books in the series, and oh, 'I wish'.

K.C. Shaw said...

The Cirque du Freak movie sounds interesting. I haven't seen District 9--I keep hearing mixed reviews and it's not really the kind of movie I like. Maybe I'll netflix it when it comes out on DVD.

Have you seen the trailer for 9 (speaking of the number 9) that's coming out in September? It looks amazing, a very dark animated post-apocalyptic movie.

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of any of these. Apparently I live in a hole.

The previews are my favorite part, too! We'll completely skip a movie if we're going to miss the previews. My husband says it just isn't worth my mopey face for two hours. >>


Fox Lee said...

Funny horror is back again? Sweet! : )

Anonymous said...

District 9 - I've been prodding my wife to go with me to see that one but she says only if I sit through Julie and Julia or whatever that other one is.

Aaron Polson said... see...District 9...

Katey said...

My cousin recced Cirque du Freak to me and I haven't gotten around to it yet. Good reminder! Also, thanks for the word on District 9. The husband heard bad things so I'm racking up good reviews to change his mind and convince him we need to go this weekend :D

Alan W. Davidson said...

For those looking for the good stuff on this District 9, go to (it's never steered me wrong). It's a re-telling of the story of the relocation that took place in Cape Town from 1968 to 1982 of the "non-white" population. Yes it's sci-fi, but not to an overwhelming degree.

Laura, what might put some people off is the "documentary style" format most of it is shot in. I didn't mind it. I was worried it was going to be all shakey like the footage in "Cloverfield" -didn't like that at all.

Anton, didn't realise that he was Irish.

Rebecca, one of my favourite horror/comedy mixes was Beatlejuice.

Cate, 'I wish'. Those of us who follow you know it's only a matter of time ;)

KC, I hadn't heard of "9". But I did see footage yesterday of "Avatar", the first full-length movie for James Cameron since Titanic. Due for release in December.

Mercedes, I would have a mopey face, too, if I missed the previews. We always get there way early.

Natalie, what would life be without horror! (but good, thinking horror, not the Sorority Row Slasher horror). I know, that's a whole other conversation...

Jeremy, Dude that's a tough choice. I know it wouldn't interest me. If you have 'The Proposal' near by suggest that- Sandra Bullock is hilarious in that.

Aaron, You...must...For those over 30 or so, the flashback to apartheid is most obvious.

Katey, as noted above. Rotten Tomatoes compiles reviews from over 100 reviewers. District 9 had 88% of them agreeeing it was worth seeing (and tell him if he won't take you, Alan will ;)