I started taking my writing more seriously in May and expanded my education to online pursuits of knowledge. Through the EveryDayFiction web site, I came across such fine writers as Catherine J. Gardner and Aaron Polson. Their stories have been been horrific yet thought-provoking and have taken us to strange new places and, at times, to the edge of madness. BT was correct as referring to you as the 'parents' of this circle of friends.
Of course, if they be the parents, then Brenton Tomlinson must be the wise, elder son. He works hard at researching writer's sites and reviewing books and his strict work ethic is most inspiring. I tip a glass in your direction, sir!
Others who have inspired and entertained? The zany Carrie Harris has always put a 'sparkle' in my day and KC Shaw has shown me that fantasy is a fine alternative to horror. Katey Taylor has introduced me to zombie romance, set in 19th century America. I look forward to nagging her for a signed copy of her book (I will, of course, pay for the book...). The stories of Natalie L. Sin have both horrified me and made me chuckle (often at the same time). She has shown me that 'Relentless Sodomy' (The Musical) isn't such a bad thing...
Yes, there are others who have impressed to whom I must show appreciation. I have enjoyed frequenting the blogs of writers Mercedes M. Yardley, Jameson T. Caine and Jamie Eyberg as well as Rebecca Nazar, Jeremy Kelly and Danielle Ferries.
My longest-running 'cyberfriend' is Anton Gully (or whatever your name really is) who's blog recently came to an untimely demise. He may, at times, doubt his ability as a writer but his words say otherwise. His stories can still be found at the Black Dogs Reading Room.
The circle of friends I have draped around me, like a protective and warming cloak, is ever widening and I have recently formed friendships with writers Laura Eno, Jarmara Falconer and Akasha Savage...ladies, I look forward to enjoying more of your work in the future.
Wow! The list is long and full of well-deserving folks that understand the struggle of juggling work with writing, or perhaps family with writing...or both. You have all, in varying degrees, come to mean something to me as a fledgling writer. You have either posted inspirational advise on your blogs or have imparted kind words or advice at mine. I tip my hat (I will put on my fez for this special occasion) to you all in celebration of Writer's Appreciation Week. Nathan Bransford has suggested we all hug a writer...I would give you all a big hug, but since we are scattered about the globe you will have to be satisfied with this...
Right back attcha. :-)
If my friends were draped about me, I'd be telling them to stand up straight and stop slouching. Must be a different way of doing things in the colonies. ;-)
Alan that was a very thoughtful post.
What a great idea, to recognize other bloggers and friends (and not just because you mentioned me). The Internet is not all that old, and yet it's difficult to think back to before we had all these online friends. My circle would be much smaller if I didn't have all of my cyber friends to talk to each day.
Straight From Hel
You deserve all those sparkles and more. Not that you'd want them, but you deserve them. Heh.
Cheers, Alan. I'm with Carrie. Have some sparkles.
What a wonderful post and thanks so much for the mention. I'm honored to call you friend. Instead of your fez, you could perhaps tip that nifty yellow rain hat you featured a couple weeks back... :)
Mr. Gully-Many of us in the colonies walk about with stooped backs ;)
Kat- Thanks to you, too!
Helen-Your right, without all the technology we would be much lonlier in our private worlds.
Carrie & Aaron- I find the dark sparkles are very fetching in my grey-ish hair!
Hurray for buns!
I'm starting to feel old, I think I need to add some naughty Koreans to my blog. :D
Thank you for your kind words and may I return your writer's hug.
Keep on writing and sharing your kind words with us all.
I'm just now getting acquainted with you, Alan, and look forward to the day when we've been friends long enough for me to win the honor of being listed on your site. Love the image of Land's End--gorgeous photo.
As a way to give back to authors and others, my blog is more about lessons I've learned in this life. I pass on what I've learned and invited comments from others. If you care to take a look I'd love to have you follow.
Woo hoo, thanks for the mention.
Laura- I'm pleased to have you in my circle of friends. I tip my yellow rain hat in your direction!
Natalie-When you say buns, do you mean the cinnamon variety or the young, male Korean variety?
Cate- Feel old, but act young. I will leave the young Koreans to your discretion.
Jarmara- Many thanks.
Sylvia- I have looked in on your blog and would be pleased to follow. Thanks.
Danielle- No. Thank you...
Thank you, kind sir, for mentioning the hack that is me.
Aw, thanks! Big hug back!
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