Wow! It's Wednesday already? I guess that I got caught up in all the sunshine this weekend and lost track of time. We had a rare and unprecedented streak of warm weather (I should clarify...warm here is 24C, 78F) and everyone dragged their pale bodies out for a bit of sunshine prior to the temperatures dropping below freezing.
I made a stop into Costco on Sunday to buy some of those large pork chops for a family BBQ to celebrate V's birthday. You know the pork chops they sell. The ones about the size of a brick. I was dismayed to see boxes of halloween candies and decorations already on sale, even before school had started (starts today here). I thought there was some unwritten law that halloween could not be pimped out until after Labour Day. Similar to that rule about wearing white...
If I was dismayed at seeing the halloween stuff on sale, you can imagine my horror at seeing the aisle-full of schtuff for Christmas on sale...that's correct, Christmas items on sale Sept. 3. Christmas trees, wrapping paper and bows, cards, candy...
I don't know about everyone else, but it's difficult to get in the Christmas spirit before the kids have returned to school and it's 24C outside (unless you live in Australia). I'm thinkin' we'll all be sick of the commercialism and hearing about the 'season' by mid-October. About the same time they start to replace the muzak with Christmas carols over the intercom system. Shouldn't there be laws in place about this sort of thing?
As I read over my rant of the previous two paragraphs, I notice that I used the word 'Christmas' five times instead of the more PC expression 'holiday'. But that's a conversation for another day...
Another Re-Read: Roots
1 day ago
I haven't even thought about Christmas yet.
I'd be curious to see the pigs that supply chops to Costco. I suspect they might be the size of gravel trucks.
Also amazing is that the huge display of Christmas wrapping paper was empty. Empty! People are buying Christmas wrap already. The mind boggles.
I agree. I certainly don't want to think about Christmas yet...or Halloween either. Clothes shopping is the same way. Summer clothes are in the stores in Feb and coats go on sale in July, especially strange for Florida.
There's a radio station in Kansas City that plays Christmas music (er, holiday...) and nothing else between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Talk about getting sick of something--can you imagine being a DJ?
I hate all the Christmas pimping : P We can't even enjoy Halloween, without having candy canes shoved down our throats.
Why do they need to do this? I think I should enjoy Christmas very much if not for the months before it. Bleeeehhhhhhhh.
Gillian- I can't get into the Christmas mood until December.
Cathy- Yep, I don't doubt that the oinkers are mighty least the size of the little car from Saint Pierre ;)
Laurita- There was quite a bit of wrapping paper at 11:30 Sunday, you must have showed up later. Waaaay too early in the year for that! (unless they are using it to wrap their kids up for halloween).
Laura- We've got the same problem with clothes. Sean always loses his gloves in the winter and then you can't find any on sale because the spring stuff is out.
Aaron- I couldn't imagine working there. Maybe it's an automated system so that they don't have to subject the DJ's to the abuse...
Nat- I feel your rage. I can only imagine 'down our throats' is a much more polite version of what you were actually thinking.
Katey- The commercialism has gotten way out of hand. We should all take a year off and pool our money together to do something nice on a global scale. Yeah, that's the ticket!
I don't mind the Halloween stuff coming out in early September--but Christmas stuff, no way. Christmas isn't really my favorite holiday anyway--too stressful, too focused on the acquiring of stuff, and most Christmas movies are crap.
I think Natalie should stop visiting the houses where they shove candy canes down her throat.
You'd think the least they could do is put out the Valentine's Day stuff in December and the Summer stuff in February. Keep it even and all.
I'll be the gal walking down the aisle with my hands on either sides of my face, like blinders...
I celebrate Festuvus, myself...
Karen- I agree. Not a nice way to deal with Christmas.
Kathryn- I would be totally lost if that was done with every season, not knowing what time of the year it was.
Ant- You know, I had to look that up on Wikipedia...I must have missed that Seinfeld episode. The airing of grievances sounds interesting.
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