I suppose that this post is something of a follow-up to last Sunday's mini-rant about the republishing of a (dead) author's novel to remove a certain offensive word. It was announced in the Canadian media on Wednesday that Dire Straits' song 'Money For Nothing' from 1985 can no longer be played on the Canadian airwaves because of its use of the word 'faggot'. It can still be played if the offensive word is masked over or substituted with another word.
This action was taken by the Canadian Broadcast Standards Council in reaction to a complaint from a listener to a radio station
here in St. John's that thought "...the song includes the word "faggot" in its lyrics and is discriminatory to gays." Here I was thinking that Canada was a pretty liberal country...until this week. I'll
link to a Yahoo story here from Thursday that I think does a good job with both sides of the argument. I have read that Mark Knopfler meant the word in the context of a conversation he overheard between two men matching an MTV video. Sort of a way of mocking himself and others in the music industry.
Society has taken a bizarre turn in recent years with its ultra-political correctness (yes, even by Canadian standards). I recall the 'Lord's prayer' being banned in school as it could offend students (or their parents) of other religious affiliations. And then Christmas celebrations became Holiday celebrations (I should note that my Muslim co-workers back in Ontario had no problem with the Christmas recognition going on about them). I am in the construction industry and, years ago, we went through a period at work when door openings for people to enter, traditionally called 'man doors', had to be called 'personnel doors'. That was short lived because the industry will do what it wants to do.
I was going to attach a video (because I now know how to do it) of Dire Straights singing 'Money For Nothing' but can't find any version with the offensive words. I notiice that Mark Knopfler often substitutes the words 'queenie' or 'maggot' or 'mother' in its place.
I'm all for keeping offensive lyrics off of the public airwaves but I'm wondering if the use of the word 'faggot' in that song is so offensive, why hasn't the gay community been all over it at some point since its release over 25 years ago? Anyway, I'm sure it won't be long until complaints flood in from Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig supporters about Queen's 'Fat Bottomed Girls' and
that won't be allowed on the radio either. I shall have to list out all the song's I find offensive and contact the CRSC about them...
On a side note, we had our first dumping of snow on Thursday. It was about 38cm (15 in.) of snow and my back hurt just watching it accumulate during the day, let alone applying shovel to snow. I enlisted the help of the boy. I coaxed the snow blower to life after its 9 month slumber and give Sean instructions on its use and a safety refresher. Mainly, keep hands and feet (or any other important appendages) away from the spinning blades. I finished shovelling the front and he cut a path in the back for the dog to 'do his business'. A small running circuit is good for the greyhound because after he does his poopy he likes to take what we call 'victory laps' about the yard. I'm not sure if he is happily celebrating his bowel movement, or is in fact reliving his glory days of 6th place finishes on the racetracks. I have attached a sketch (yes, perhaps I DO have too much time on my hands) of the back yard showing Sean's interpretation of a dog path. I have included a handy legend below explaining some of the letters. I also believe that you can click on the image to enlarge.

WG - Once a thriving strawberry patch and later a carrot garden...now a Weed Garden.
C - Compost bin.
R - Large rock, probably glacial deposit.
GM - Grand Maple. Complete with black plastic bag fluttering in the wind.
PM - Petite Maple. Yep, smaller version of the above sans plastic bag.
SM - Stumpy Maple. I cut down four years ago, it's making a come back.
B1 - Birch 1...fell down after Hurrican Igor. Now a stump.
B2 - Birch 2...leaning heavily towards house after hurricane. May fall down this year.