As a consolation prize, I present you a couple of links to weird stories that I read about today. Perhaps you did as well?
The first is about a newlywed couple in England. She has discovered that he talks in his sleep. He talks a lot, and about a lot of strange stuff. She has decided to record his nightly ramblings and post them to a blog called Sleep Talkin' Man. I saw the story on ABC news and the couple have spun this into something of a marketing frenzy with T-shirts available to purchase at the site. I envy their popularity as it now has over 5800 followers (what writer wouldn't want that sort of fan base). This may be of interest because if you read over some of the things the husband says, you may get some bizarre (surrealistic?) ideas for a story.

My British 'sources' have provided me with photos of the three characters hired on to perform the bed warming task (above and to the right). Look at the bright get a warm bed and it keeps them off the dole. Perhaps I should hire out the boy as a warmer at local hotels to offset some of the costs of our upcomming holidays in March?

Ew. No thanks. I don't want anything, fleece or otherwise, on my (supposedly) clean sheets. Although, the dog is kinda cute.
Over 6000 followers now. I find that quite depressing.
Human bed warmers? Bleh! Although there is great potential for a story there.
Looking forward to reading your story, Alan.
Laura- Imagine your bed filled with a dozen or so pugs dressed in seaonal costumes. I'm sure it would be very cosy, if you could look beyond the smell and hair shedding.
Anton- I guess that all the TV publicity is driving up their numbers. It's amazing that folks would prefer to follow the midnight ramblings of an Englishman sleeping than a carefully crafted story ( offense, or course, to Englishmen...)
Laurita- Thanks. Now that I've put the story 'out there' I must cough up the goods next week (a little pressure is a good thing).
I hope that you come up with a story about the bed warmers. I can see it now: "How I put myself through college as a bed warmer at the Battery." Ok, start writing. I'm dying to know how it goes!
Oh, I read about those human bed warmers in the newspapers myself. Indescribably bizarre!
I love Sleep Talking Man. His nocturnal ramblings make every day a little brighter.
Sleep Talking Man is amazing. I laughed SO hard when I saw the link on twitter the other day.
The bed warmers, on the other hand... ew. That's just gross.
Dez- Perhaps they will soon be coming to the hotels in Serbia?
Nataile- I bet that you say some profound stuff in your sleep. Blogworthy, indeed. Maybe you should rent out Roman as a bed warmer...
Katey- Ew, for sure! An electric blanket is still my first choice.
I hope the warmers themselves won't come to Vojvodina, but I would buy those ugly things they're wearing :) it could be comfy in cold winter nights :)
You have no dialogue for yours, I have no ending for mine.
I heard about the bedwarming service too--that is just so strange. Anyway, by the time the fleece-lined person got out of the bed and slipped off somewhere and the actual user of the bed showered, dressed in pajamas, and got in bed, the bed would be cold again.
I saw Sleep Talkin' Man on the news, too, and it cracked me up.
I have no problem admitting that I'm an Alan fangirl. Ain't nothing wrong with that.
Human bed warmers...I'm done.
Why even try to write "fiction" when folks generate "real" like that?
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