I noticed a couple of times folks commenting on not really having anything to talk about so they have been reluctant to post at all
I agree that some days it's debatable on whether or not what I post is of interest to anyone at all. In fact, that could probably be said for a lot of my posts. As I began my blog I didn't know what I would be posting about. My primary interest out here in the nether-regions of the Internet is creative writing. You will notice that I said writing, not publishing. I am in the infancy of my writing experience and have used this forum to meet some amazing people who ooze talent from...well, you get the picture (a lot of those folks are horror writers).
As I've noted before, if this blog doesn't pass on much information in the way of my writing progress (the output of which is very small, which would lead to a boring and unpopulated blog) it should at least educate people and perhaps give an image of this amazing island that I live on. I hope that this blog is entertaining. At least once in a while. I view this blog as a forum to keep me writing in some format. All writing is good writing. Correct?
Enough of that introspection. I've only had one coffee this morning and my brain hurts...
And now, for the awards portion of the show...

The rules that follow this fine award are as follows:
1. Thank the person who gave you this award.
2. Copy the logo and place it on your blog.
3. Link to the person who nominated you.
4. Tell up to six outrageous lies about yourself and at least one outrageous truth.
5. Nominate
6. Post links to the
7. Leave a comment on each of the blogs letting them know you nominated them.
You will notice that I took a bit of creative licence and changed the number of folks nominated from 7 down to 3. This is to make this award feel less pyramid scheme-ish and chain mail-ish (are they real words?) and generally less viral.
I would like to nominate:
- Danielle Ferries at From the Attic because she seems very sweet and honest, and I'd like to force her to fib a bit.
- Laurita Miller from Brain Droppings because I'm sure that her lies would turn to the macabre and horrific...
- the incomparable Anton Gully from The Black Dogs Reading Room and Flash B*stard because Laura Eno has the Flaming Sword of Death held to my throat and Karen Schindler is ready to clobber me with a brick if I don't. I have a feeling that Mr. Gully's lies could be very bizarre and amusing (I'm sure that the censors will be on standby as well).
Congratulations to you all. I hope that you're up to the challenge. Please see my one truth and six bald faced lies below...
- While working as an Animal Control Officer in London, Ontario I served a court summons to the mayor of the city.
- I once caught a 50lb. salmon while fishing in Saanich Inlet, near Victoria, B.C.
- I once officiated at a funeral for a West Highland terrier called 'Wee Willie'
- I was the star of the cheer leading squad in high school, but the girls kicked me off the team because of the short skirt and the fact that I refused to shave off my beard.
- We buried a hairless Skinny Pig in our back yard with a toy and some loose change.
- I am interested in genealogy and researched our family tree to find that I am distantly related to the Scottish hero/villain Rob Roy MacGregor.
- When I was 9 years old I fell 20 feet from the maple tree in our back yard and broke 9 bones in my body.
Any takers on which one is true?