I went shopping for the groceries on Sunday (that's after cooking the brunch and prior to cooking the dinner). Yes, it was Mother's Day, but I usually do the grocery shopping anyway. Part of the divvying up of work about the house. Something I don't mind doing...anyway...I was walking out of the store with my cart laden with schtuff. The sun was shining, I was wearing my shades, the wind blew gently through my newly coiffed, steel grey hair (OK, I made up all that stuff). Anyway, the 10lb bag of potatoes had to go on the bottom rack. Somehow, between the check out and the van, the bag slipped between the rack and the front bar of the cart and dragged all the way through the parking lot. Poor potatoes with a bad case of gravel rash.

LOL! Alan, if that's the worse thing that's happened to you in a while, I'd love to switch places!!
Then again, nothing embarrassing is coming to mind for me. Of course, it's not from lack of embarrassing moments, my mouth trips up more often then never. See... I can't even think of something creative to write, right now. And I write! These are the things that embarrass me. My mind tripping up when I'd like to use it the most :D
Hope you've recovered. Have a great day!
I dunno, if someone yelled "Hey, there's something wrong with your sack!" I might get the wrong idea.
To the tune of Bud the Spud (it being Canadian week and all);
"It's good old Al
our faithful pal,
dropping his tates and blushin.
The spuds were big
falling outta Al's rig,
but not now cause they're crushin."
Better the potatoes than...
Well, you get the idea. ;)
My stomach has this UNCANNY knack of growling/howling/ yowling at the WORST times.
I love mashed potatoes. :-)
Ah. Don't worry. The other night I was at a bar with a few friends. The drunkest one buys another round of shots. He sits the glass in front of me - it's called Devil Water, tequila soaked in habanero peppers. Anyway, I refuse to take it - I had had enough. He calls me names and tries to hit me but loses his balance and falls on the floor. My other friend raises the glass to his lips and at the last moment throws its contents over his shoulder.... all over the young couple sitting behind us.
THAT, my friend, was an embarrassing evening.
Lol. Id have yelled it. Hehehe.
Well, funny you should ask; earlier today I was on my way to get my Mom. Her car broke down and I've been carting her around. Anyway, I was bouncing down the steps (hey, can't help it. I bounce everywhere I go, lol). So my creepy neighbor sees me and I (being polite) say, "Hi!" and think nothing of it. I go to my car and adjust my bra. (Got big boobs and they like to shift, TMI, I know, lol.)
So I think I'm alone, setting the girls straight, when I look up. And what do I see? Mr. Creepy Neighbor, hanging over the balcony, getting an interesting view of ...me. So what's a girl to do? I smiled and waved "Bye!" And he waved back...and was still watching my taillights as I drove away (I saw him in the rear view mirror). Embarrassing enough?
"I was wearing my shades, the wind blew gently through my newly coiffed, steel grey hair"
Somehow coiffed and steel in the same sentence sounds medieval... like you get your hair done at Torturers-R-Us. I'm just picturing rusty saw blades cutting through the steel. But I digress.
I once sent an email to the wrong person. I was just happy that the email I accidentally sent was one that was easy to say oh hey, ignore that email it wasn't for you, because if he had gotten the one RIGHT BEFORE THAT? He would have been delighted, but I would have been horrified. lol....
You have pretty hair by the way. Can I say pretty if I'm discussing a man's hair? Never sure what's pc these days.
Kara- How true...it could be much worse!
Nat- I think the only thing that could be worse is if the cashier shouted out, "Price check for Trojans in aisle 5, please!"
Cathy- That's funny, though I'm embarassed to admit I had to look up the Stompin' Tom song on YouTube to get the melody in my head.
Aaron- Truer words have never been uttered...
Becca- Ahh! You're one of those folks with the noisy tummies in quiet meetings.
Jeremy- Dude, you've got me beat on the embarassment score. Evil Devil Water!
Kat- I know you would have, without a doubt! You've got me beat too...creepy neighbours!
Karen- *shudders* at image of rusty saw blades cutting my hair. Umm...pretty? I prefer GQ-ish hair...
Hahaha that sounds so familiar. I usually have a twelve of beer on the bottom rack, and I've had people say, "Hey your beer's going to fall!"
See, that would be beyond embarrassing. That's just sinful.
That's why I grow my own potatoes. Just jokin' off course (although I actually did back when I was growing up on a farm) :))
Haha. Woops. This happened to me with a dog of bagfood with me once. I hadn't realized I was uh, 'feeding the birds' until I reached the car. Oh well. Life goes on.
Katey- Slacker. Up in Canada we purchase our beer in boxes of 24...
Dez- I never would have thought you grew up on a farm (far away from Hollywood).
Jodi- And we both know how much dogfood costs...such a waste!
Ah, what can I tell you, the road to become a celebrity like me is sometimes covered with thorns :PPPPPPPP
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