You mean that it's not Wednesday any more? A bit late for a WIP now. I'm pronouncing it 'Weep' by the way to indicate that the story, yet again, will not be ready for display with the other #fridayflash offerings this week. It's a sad, slice-of-life tale involving a man and a shopping cart...that's all I'm at liberty to say. All I have is a page of rough notes and still must get my butt in gear to type out a first draft. You know, I've always wanted to name an evil or villainous character in a story Mr. Aswipe (pronounced Ass-Weep-eh?). No villains this time, perhaps next time.
My excuses this week? The damn workload. And the fact that half my brain is mulling over the World Cup 2010 pool being held back at the main office. Hmm...who's gonna win this year? If any of you have the inside scoop, let me know. As with the hockey pool, I will again play for the glory of the victory as there won't be cash involved ;)
If you're a #fridayflash contributor, you'll want to check out Eric J. Krause who is being featured today at Life on the Muskoka River as part of Cathy Olliffe's 'American Week'. He sure looks purdy dressed up like a cowboy! Enough said...
And speaking of #fridayflash...if you contribute stories to that fine pool of writing, or even if you don't, I would ask you to consider entering a flash story to my Land's End Flash Fiction Contest that is now underway. This is a way of getting your story out there to a group of readers who will rabidly link to it and madly Twitter about it...and... prizes of Newfoundland fiction can be won...Ooo! Aaaaaa! Wicked! Submissions should be sent to me by Sunday, June 20. You can link to my blog posting with the contest information here. You can also link to the descriptions of the book prizes here, sent to you personally by moi. Don't be shy. I know ya wanna enter...
Another Re-Read: Roots
1 day ago
Yes, get yer butt in gear for the shopping cart story. Looking forward to it. I still can't go to Wal-mart without thinking of your flash story about the guy getting dragged.
Thanks for the American Weeks pimpage! He does look purdy, doesn't he? Especially his purdy mouth....
On one hand, the "nice" hand, I hope you get lots of entries for your awesome Holiday contest. On the other, the "evil" hand, if nobody enters I have a better chance at that Catherine Snow book... Muahahahaha.
I like your quotation today, too.
Did you have frost yesterday? Your weather report had a frost warning. Man, it felt like 400 degrees F here yesterday. I was jealous of your frost.
I don't claim to be a writing but I enjoy trying...
Wait a use the words 'rabidly' and 'madly' yet you don't allow any spitting at the judges? You can't have one without the other, Alan.
"Mr. Aswipe (pronounced Ass-Weep-eh?)"---your muse is AWESOME.
Sorry the time goddess is being so fickle with you Alan, but I'm pleased to know that I'm not the only one who she's shorting...
Good luck with the story, and have a great day.
I'll be rooting for Japan in the World Cup. Whether or not they win in irrelevant.
I'm so excited about World Cup! I've been so forlorn since football season ended-- I really need to get back into hockey. Months without sport is no way to live :/
OK, Alan... you have a pass today but you better get that flash done, sir...
Cathy- Your American week seems to be moving along nicely. It's still freezing probably haven't seen the weather gadget on the sidebar over 10C very much (who said it was June?)
Gillian- Break out the pen, lassie. It's only a wee jump from 55 words to 500 words...
Laura- OK, spit at Laurita if you must...but the wind may blow it off direction before reaching Newfoundland.
Becca- I think the muse has a dirty mind and a foul mouth.
Kara- Thanks! Are you gonna enter a flash story...?
Nat- I would have pegged you as cheering for South Korea first (11:1 odds as opposed to North Korea at 101:1 odds)
Katey- I figured you would have been cheering for the Flyers right about now.
Anthony- Thanks for the pass, sir. You sound very authoritative and teacher-ish when you say that.
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