Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sunday Pimpage

And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter and the sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.

Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet (1883 - 1931)

What better way to start off a post than with a friendship quote by Kahlil Gibran. I'd like to thank all who commented with their kind comments to my previous post regarding malaise, or ennui, as my friend KC Shaw better described it. And what better way to lift one's spirits than to pimp out the accomplishments of one's friends.

My friend and fellow islander Laurita Miller has had her blog Brain Droppings nominated for a Canadian Blog Award. I'm really excited for her and hope that all of you #fridayflash people (and those of you who aren't) who enjoy reading her work go to the website and cast you vote. She can be found in the Culture and Literature voting section. The catch is you need to do it by noon today the 17th of October (I'm assuming that's EST).

I would be extremely negligent if I didn't send a shout out to the talented Laura Eno (or as I prefer to her, Queen of Cyberspace Who is in All Places at All Times. She held a virtual book launch at her blog A Shift in Dimensions this work for her most recent work, Don't Fall Asleep, the first in a series of Dream Assassin Novels. I was a bit late in attending and all of the snacks had been scoffed up by the guests and Jezebel had nearly throttled two of the merry-makers. If by chance you have been living under a rock, or are just plain 'clued-out' like myself, it's not too late to throw your support her way.

And finally, I'd be really negligent if I didn't pimp a wee bit for my oldest internet friend Cate Gardner. Her book Strange Men in Pinstripe Suits, a collection of short stories, is now available at Strange Publications and at Check out a trailer for the trailer at her blog.


David Barber said...

Nice pimpage, Alan. I've just given Laurita my backing. She certainly does run a great blog, as do you, my friend. Have a great Sunday.

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

I love the name and cover of Cate's new book. So quaint. And was over to Laura's party - always a big shin-dig there, you're right. Queen of Cyberspace is a perfect title! And of course I voted for Laurita.
No one does pimpage better than you, Alan!
And I loved the quote!

Laurita said...

You are the master pimp. That really doesn't sound right.

Laura's party was a blast, and once I've finished reading her first book, Prophecy Moon, I'm going to start on this one. Cate's looks awesome. Definitely seems worth checking out as well.

Thanks for the little boost there. :) It's been crazy fun.

Cate Gardner said...

Thanks for the pimp, Alan. But I have to say - oldest!!! Rephrase that sentence, dear sir. :D

Alan W. Davidson said...

David- Thank you, sir. You are too kind.

Cathy- Thanks, we all have our strong suits and pimping is, something like that. The Prophet has some great quotes. We had a friend read a story from it at our wedding.

Laurita- You're welcome. And you are correct...something about 'master pimp' doesn't sound right...

Cate- Err, apologies on only look 29...and you are my 'longest running' internet friend. But you probably don't run either...

Cate Gardner said...

I ran after the postman yesterday, does that count?

Michael Solender said...

Congrats to Laurita and Laura and marvelous pimpage from Alan..a true gent..

Mari said...

Great pimping, Alan.Very generous of you. :)