Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Baby Solution

Now, it's not what you think. We're not having another youngster as a solution to anything...

The insanity is at hand...can't breath...can't think...the walls are closing in.

It must be almost Christmas time! Or else I'm about to get married again. Har! Just kidding, of course (I say this because V might read this post.

I went in search of YouTube humour to help stop the insanity. It came to me in the form of the E*Trade babies. Cool little commercials. You must have seen them on TV at some point in time, unless you've been living under a rock. I have selected a few that didn't seem familiar to me. I've noticed that alternatives to ones on TV get posted on YouTube as well. I'm not plugging this company. I said that when I last posted about a product here on my blog in October of 2009. Robert Carlyle in a commercial  called 'The Man Who Walked Around the World' for Johnnie Walker Whisky. I got a kick out of the commercial because they used subtitles as Carlyle was talking. I've never thought his accent was that thick.

OK, back to the babies. This time, I'm not plugging E*Trade...

I thought this 'Solitary' video was funny because it differed a bit from the one shown on TV. The baby flying fist class was one I had never seen before. 'Un-Broke' where the baby is interviewed by ABC is cute because his little pal is smitten with the interviewer. The clip where he's trying to explain to his girlfriend why he didn't call was really good as well. Again, I don't recall seeing that one on TV. And finally, there was a clip with 'Outtakes' from 2010 that are well worth a view.

Hope that one or more of those bad boys takes your mind off the insanity for a while. Only 2 shopping days left...remember, the Walmart near you is probably open 24 hours by now and the drugstore on Christmas eve is always a way to get things done (not that I advocate that, of course...)


Katey said...

I have to tell the truth--the first time those baby ads started (I think it was the superbowl before last), I loved them. I still love them. I giggle every time.

David Barber said...

They are so funny. We have a similar ad over here that advertises toilet paper and the company boss is a tiny kid! LOL!!

Have agreat Christmas, Alan, and all the very best for 2011. Pop over to mine and let us know what your favourite Christmas song is. :-)

Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

Merry Christmas, Alan, to you and V and Sean and all your relatives! Hope the rain stops and the merriment begins!
I will be sure to look at the babies when I have a few moments in the Xmas aftermath. (My favourite time... quiet, leftover turkey sammiches, lovely, lovely, lovely.)
Happy holidays, kiddo! Hope you find everything you want under the Christmas tree!

Linda said...

Happy Christmas, and thanks for the vid. My insanity at this time of year has little to do with shopping (I bake cookies and make jams for friends and family; most else online or B and N). But it is the end of the semester, and I have papers and finals out the wazoo. Hope you have a lovely holiday, and a new year filled with bliss. Peace...

Unknown said...

Yeah ... These are hilarious. Wasn't Lindsay Lohan suing the company because they used a milkaholic baby in one of them named 'Lindsay' ?

Laurita said...

Awww. Babies! So cute, and better yet, they aren't mine. :)

Alan W. Davidson said...

Katey- Yep, they are one of the few commercials that I actually pay attention to.

David- I bet those toilet paper commercials are popular. Thanks for the Christmas wishes. I've popped over to your blog with my song preferences.

Cathy- Thanks very much. No sign of the rain letting up here (have you been following the news stories about the ferry delays here and in NS? There are so many good things that can be done with turkey leftovers. Best wishes to you, Dave and the boys.

Linda- Of course...the semester is over (for the students). We never think about the poor souls that actually have to MARK the papers! Wishing you and your family a great holiday season.

Ant- I hadn't heard of that story. People will pretty much sue over anything these days. Then again, she probably just wants the publicity...

Laurita- Har! And here I thought you were out to form your own baseball team!

Fox Lee said... is clear that I have no maternal instinct. All I can think it that those babies could have been dogs.

Akasha Savage. said...

Those videos were so funny. I'd not seen them before, so glad you shared.

Merry Christmas x

Alan W. Davidson said...

Natalie- I agree, a talking dog is always good for a laugh (especially if dressed up in an outfit).

Akasha- You're welcome. I wasn't sure if they had beed aired 'the other side of the pond".