Sunday, July 3, 2011

Vanity Project- Part VI

The infamous hair day...

I know, I've gone on a lot about baldness....from the fine fundraising of Laurita Miller of Calling Shotgun to the shaving-of-the-head-to-make-a-buck by the boy...

This is the final word on the hair thing. These were taken by co-workers at the steel plant back in Aylmer, Ontario when I and another employee shaved our noggins to fundraise for a couple of local food banks back in 2003. They stopped production for half and hour and we had an audience of over 100 people...

My mugshot...pre-haircut. I let the hair and beard grow unfettered for about 5 months before the cut.

Look at the hair sticking out like wings. With a bit of white face paint and red lipstick I could look like Bobo the Clown. Or perhaps like the guy below...

Still have the beard to be shaved off. Look at that round, Charlie Brown cranium. Some of the guys at work figured I looked like a biker (no offence to the real bikers out there).


Cathy Olliffe-Webster said...

The Bobo resemblance is remarkable.
May I say you look so much nicer with hair.

Laurita said...

I think you had much more to lose than me or Sean. I see where he gets his round head. Love the mug shot.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

At least you don't have an odd shaped head!

Now you have an upsidedown head until you shave the beard. You are gonna shave the beard right?

Gigi said...

What a wonderful thing to do for charity! The resemblance to the clown was uncanny! ;-)