I am approaching the half way mark on the NaNo word count for Metropolis. It's amazing how much "shtuff" pops into your head, and out of your fingers while working on it. My outline accounts for only a small proportion of the word count, which I'm glad about, as I've still got some notes to use to help in the second half. I still worry that I'm going to hit a brick wall where I won't know where to go with the story line or how to eventually end it.
To cheer myself up over the weekend I broke out the plastic to order a couple of books from our Amazon friends. The books were only about $18, but the shipping was an additional $12 something. That sucked, but I'm sort of used to it now due to the fact we live on an island. I recall that when we ordered a couple of love seats shortly after moving into the house, we had to wait over 2 months for manufacturing and shipping. I could understand that if they were like hand crafted by the Amish, or the fabric had golden strands woven into it...
...sorry, back to the books. I have been wanting a copy of Stephen King's "On Writing" for some time, after it was highly recommended by all of you kind folk. My second pick was anthology of fine horror stories by the fine authors of 52 Stitches. I am looking forward to the arrival of volume one any time now.
My current word count is 23,400. That is 51 pages, single spaced (I opted for the single space as it would speed up the scrolling back that I knew that I would have to do to refer to facts that I were already 'out there'. God forbid I should contradict myself.
My sister emailed me a video (which is kind of odd considering that she's living with us at the moment) that I found hilarious. It's for a product called Kiwi Bacon...and I apologise (I am Canadian, after all) to any vegetarians or New Zealanders I may have offended.
Another Re-Read: Roots
1 day ago
Love that video!!!
My NaNo word count is not good...
On Writing is exceptional. Anne LaMont's Bird by Bird is hysterical. Bacon is essential. My NaNo word count is unsubstantial, even criminal.
Continued success to you, though!
Oops, Anne Lamott.
Alan, try The Book Depository online - they're similarly priced to Amazon and have free postage.
Okay...that video made me laugh out loud. I don't laugh out loud enough anymore.
Awesome. I need some bacon...
Woot! For the Nano progress.
Fabulous advert.
Ouch for the shipping costs, yay for the NaNo wordcount!
My mom sometimes emails me videos from downstairs. I guess it's easier than shouting, "Hey, come down and look at this!"
Anton-The count may not be good, but I've read a bit of your 'Ascension Diary' and it's high quality stuff.
Becca-I can hardly wait for the books. I like bacon too (I assume that you're not talking about Francis).
Danielle-Thanks for the heads up on that. I'll check them out next time I'm ordering online.
Aaron-Yeah, it does make one giggle...
Cate-Thanks for the woot!
KC-I wonder if the shipping is less on the mainland. I buy toner cartridges from Dell for my printer (work provided) and it's free delivery. Why not for books, I wonder?
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