Week 1 of NaNo is nearing an end. Word count is about 6900, after this morning's flurry of activity. I'm still about 1200 words behind based on my self-imposed formula of 900 words on week days (21 in Nov.) and 3500 on weekend days (9 in Nov.) Basically, to stay on schedule with this venture I need to be at 15,000 words by Sunday night. Yikes!

I will make a valiant effort to get caught up by Sunday night. I find that 5:45am rising is taking it's toll. And I'm a bit groggy later in the aftern
oon. At least a bit more than what's normal for me. I'm nearing the end of the leftover 5lb bag of Rockets from halloween (we won't discuss the chips and tiny chocolate bars). When the sugar rush wears off on Sunday and I crash for a bit, I hope the stuff will be out of my system for good. I'll start going to bed earlier next week to end the groggies.
A reminder to every one that I am going to post the interview with fantasy/mystery/horror author Kelley Armstrong tomorrow (Saturday) morning, so I hope you all can return for that.
You go, Rocket Man!
Can't stand those things myself. Now chocolate in any form . . .
We were out on Halloween night so all my trick or treat sweets are still in the house... Well, most of them anyway.
Perhaps if you overdose on sugar you won't need to sleep - it would solve the having to get up at 5:45 problem.
Best of luck as you continue your NaNo battle. At this point I would be filled to the brim with self-loathing...which is why I'm not participating!
You got this, dude. Nano is YOURS!
Looking forward to the interview~
My teeth hurt just looking at those. Then again, my sugar tolerance is rather low at this point ; )
No no... discuss the chips and tiny chocolate bars... I want to hear every detail...
NaNo is what you make it. Make your word count or get close, reach your goals, exceed them or make new goals to avoid the old goals. There is but one rule - write it all down.
I signed up for Nano but haven't posted any words yet. Thanks for the reminder!
Thanks again, all, for the NaNo encouragement. I know that you'll all be there for support when I'm going through sugar withdrawl symptoms...
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