Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Monkey See...

Yep, another NaNo update...blah, blah blah.

I have passed the 25K hump *high fives all around* and begin the downhill slope to the end. I haven't a clue how it's supposed to end. Or how to get there.

I have enlisted the help of my three friends, below, because the say if you put enough monkeys in a room with keyboards, one will produce a Shakespeare work (and I mention the bard in my NaNo story). I think the smart money should be bet on monkey #1, he's showing a good dramatic element and he's following the NaNo mantra about never using the backspace key. Well done, Bubbles!
The whole monkey thing has got me thinking about a humorous email that was going about work regarding why certain policies were in place that nobody knew why those policies were in place...I'll attach it'll get the idea. And if you were the author of that fine logic, take a bow. Or have a banana (and hurry up and finish my NaNo story for me!)

Why Can’t We Change Our Process?A Unique Look at ‘Why Things are Done the Way they Are’
Start with a cage containing five monkeys... Inside the cage, hang a banana on a string and place a set of stairs under it. Before long, a monkey will go to the stairs and start to climb towards the banana. As soon as he touches the stairs, spray all of the other monkeys with cold water.
After a while, another monkey makes an attempt with the same result, all the other monkeys are sprayed with cold water. Pretty soon, when another monkey tries to climb the stairs, the other monkeys will try to prevent it.
Now, put away the cold water. Remove one monkey from the cage and replace it with a new one. The new monkey sees the banana and wants to climb the stairs. To his surprise and horror, all of the other monkeys attack him. After another attempt and attack, he knows that if he tries to climb the stairs, he will be assaulted.
Next, remove another of the original five monkeys and replace it with a new one. The newcomer goes to the stairs and is attacked. The previous newcomer takes part in the punishment with enthusiasm! Likewise, replace a third original monkey with a new one, then a fourth, then the fifth. Every time the newest monkey takes to the stairs, he is attacked. Most of the monkeys that are beating him have no idea why they were not permitted to climb the stairs or why they are participating in the beating of the newest monkey.
After replacing all the original monkeys, none of the remaining monkeys have ever been sprayed with cold water. Nevertheless, no monkey ever again approaches the stairs to try for the banana. Why not? Because as far as they know that's the way it's always been done around here.


Katey said...

High five on the progress!

Also, ha! And your Balzac quote today is so oddly appropriate...

Aaron Polson said...

Soylent Green is people! (Wait...wrong movie).

That's pretty creepy, re: Monkeys. Gotta love tradition.

Anonymous said...

F*** NaNo. I'm spending the rest of November experimenting on monkeys.

Laura Eno said...

Yay! High fives to you! :)

Danielle Birch said...

Woo Hoo! Well done, Alan.

K.C. Shaw said...

Suddenly I understand my workplace dynamics. It's so simple! I just happen to be the newest monkey. :)

Excellent wordcount, by the way!

Alan W. Davidson said...

Katey, Thanks. Also-I hadn't noticed the quote until you pointed it out!

Aaron-I hope they put Soylent Green on TV soon. Nothing like the classics. Nobody does angst better than Heston (OK, Shatner is a close second).

Anton-Do you mean experimenting with monkey pictures or on actual monkeys?

Laura and Danielle-Many thanks!

KC-Thanks again. Lets see if everyone is still wooting me this time next week if I've crashed and burned...

Akasha Savage. said...

Good post! And High Five back to you! :)

Laurita said...

Another high five! I wish I had some monkeys. Do you rent them out by any chance?