Saturday, June 27, 2009

I Never Tell a Lie...

I've been out of the loop for a couple of days as some managers, VPees, etc. have been in town for a conference and I've been involved in a limited sort of way. All is back to "normal" and, upon checking blogs, I've discovered that I've been tagged by Natalie L. Sin, queen of the fujoshi, and KC Shaw, mistress of Weredeer. And, a shout out to Carrie Harris for starting this wonderful thread (see, I've started lying already...kidding, I love this stuff!)It takes great effort for me to be funny, but we were at Yuk Yuk's last night so I'm feeling inspired...

"Sometimes you can learn more about a person by what they don’t tell you. Sometimes you can learn a lot from the things they just make up. If you are tagged with this Meme, lie to me. Then tag 7 other folks (one for each deadly sin) and hope they can lie.

Pride: What is your biggest contribution to the world?

In my early teens, I became frustrated with how the ribbons would tangle with 8-track tapes and later, with cassettes. I then invented the CD, much more compact and user-friendly that vinyl or tapes. To protect these little gems, I also invented the plastic cases to store them it.

Envy: What do your coworkers wish they had which is yours?

My bountiful hair of course...I worked in a steel plant for years, and there was much jealousy about my flowing locks and heavy beard. The guys were jealous, too...

Gluttony: What did you eat last night?

We eats the Lobster and seal flipper pies. We alternate between them every other night, b'y!

(being Canadian, I feel compelled to apologise to all Newfoundlanders for the bad accent and to anyone else I may have offended about the seals...)

Lust: What really lights your fire?

hmm...Mazola and a large plastic sheet. Scratch that. Mostly the Thursday night dress-ups as Kirk and Uhura after our son has gone to bed. OK, I exaggerated a bit. It's a semi-annual affair, but things really heat up...phasers on stun!

Anger: What is the last thing that really pissed you off?

You know how when you try to open those F*&%$@! CD cases when they're stuck. You force it too hard and it snaps off at the hinges...that gets my ire up! Who invented those damn things anyway...

Greed: Name something you keep from others.

What I keep secret is my lineage to Albert Einstein. The family resemblance is most obvious when I've shaved off my beard and my hair poofs up on humid days (see attached photo).

Sloth: What's the laziest thing you've ever done?

At the last Thursday semi-annual dress up, I had some other guy fill the role of Captain Kirk for me (he did angst much better than I...)

I don't have 7 friends to tag, but perhaps the other 3 people whom I know read this blog on occasion, and I know have not been tagged, can answer the questions with their best lies...I won't mention any names but their blogs are Urban Fantasy Experience , So You Wannabe a Writer and Straight From Hel .


Cate Gardner said...

CD's... *Drums fingers on desk*. I loved vinyl, I'm scrubbing off my current anger post and replacing it. :D

Aaron Polson said...

I'll take those CDs over silly little digital files, any day. Of course, the world will pass by me in a blur, but...

Fox Lee said...

Since you mentioned Yaoi and Star Trek, I feel I must mention that even I have my yaoi limits. I once read a slash with Kirk and Spock getting it on, and was deeply traumatized ; )

Helen Ginger said...

Thank you for tagging me, but I admit my first response was, crap! How can I top your answers? Let me think about this. I've never lied before. (Can that count as one?)

Straight From Hel

Alan W. Davidson said...

Cate - No fair, we're allowed to change our answers?

Aaron - I refuse to be a slave to technology...

Natalie - That's scary stuff. And I'm glad to hear that you have limits...I was beginning to wonder.

Helen - Crap! was my response, too, upon being tagged. It's good to be silly once in a while. Besides, I never lie so it was good practice (yes, that was a lie as well).

Michael Guzzo said...

"You know how when you try to open those F*&%$@! CD cases when they're stuck. You force it too hard and it snaps off at the hinges...that gets my ire up! Who invented those damn things anyway..."

Probably the same damn people who invested the childproof cap. ;-)

Katey said...

Of course I have to comment on what you're eating. I hope they were baby seals. (Uggghhhh.)

The Kirk and Uhura thing is awesome. Dare I say inspiring? I choked on my cofee giggling.

/comment thread hijack
I too had a scarring experience with Trek Slash. I happened on it on accident. When I was 14 :/

Alan W. Davidson said...

Guzzo - Ha, that's pretty funny coming from a pharmacist.

Katey - Truth be told, I've never had seal. They are a bit of a nuisance here with the fish stock but I'm sure Sir Paul will whip us into shape...

Paula RC said...

Thank you for tagging me, Alan, but I'm sorry to say I never lie... so I can't tell a lie for fun and especially not six in a And I have less friends than you. ;-)

K.C. Shaw said...

lol! You have single-handedly relieved my Sunday-evening-gotta-go-to-work-in-the-morning blues. You're a good liar (or maybe those are all true answers, and you're lying about lying!).

Katey said...

This is what happens when celebrities have too much time on their hands! Oh, Sir Paul...